
NHK ニュースシブ5時に出演しました!

NHK ニュースシブ5時でデコパウチを特集

MC久保田祐佳アナウンサーが涙ながらに 「私も祖母がオストメイトだったんですけど、こう、触れていいのか分からない… 見ないようにしていた部分もあったので… これをきっかけに、話題が広がっていくといいなと思います」とコメントする姿に泣きました。

12/22(木) の「NHK ニュースシブ5時」で、デコパウチという活動を取り上げた特集が放送されました。私は4日にわたりインタビューを受け、がっつりお話させてもらったイイところ全部がバシっと映像になっています。







自分の身体が、どんな形であっても。どんな形になっても。特定の見た目じゃなければ自分を大切にできないなんて、悲しいじゃないですか。変わってしまった自分と仲直りをするために始まった「デコパウチ」、地味ぃな活動ですが、知っていただけたら嬉しいです。そして、地味すぎてなかなか広がらないので… もし映像を見てあなたの心に届いたら、そのお声を制作チームに直接届けていただけたら、心底うれしいです。


分かりやすい有名人を立てて進めているプロジェクトではないため、どうしてもメディアに反響を届けづらいのですが… これを機に、ご自身が見つけた何か、感じたことを声にして届ける嬉しさを、一緒に味わっていただけたら嬉しいです。


I just went national!

My humble little project was featured on, ahem, an evening show on NHK, the most prestigious TV station in Japan!
This all happened because my friends and I started a little arts & crafts project called “deco-pouch”, decorating ostomy bags. If you’re not familiar with them, which I’m sure you aren’t, they are the bags we ostomates wear on a daily basis. We decided to add some swag to our bags so that they won’t bring us down any longer.
To be honest, being an ostomate in Japan is pretty hard. As a starter, the name we put to “stoma”(人工肛門) in Japanese literally translates as “artificial anus”. So I am a girl with an artificial anus on my belly here in Tokyo. There are other insensitive names that are attached to me, but nobody in the industry (including doctors, nurses, patients themselves even) realizes the negative impact that it has been causing us. Looking at myself in the mirror with a big brown bag stuck to my skin is not the most glamourous part of my life, even before all of the name-calling.
I, for one, used to be devastated by the look I had after surgery but making deco-pouches helped me get through those times a lot. I started posting my works on Twitter, and people seemed to love them. One thing led to another, and my dear friend Rena and I ended up organizing an online event called Deco-Pouch Collection. We were able to team up with ostomy supply makers, and they were more than willing to donate expired or unmarketable ostomy bags to non-ostomates for deco-pouches. We’ve had almost 260 submissions, and you can see some of their works at the link below;

We even went to an elementary school in Kyoto and had an advocacy class with 4th and 6th graders. It’s really important for me to teach kids that, as Laci Green said – “Accepting yourself only as long as you look a certain way isn’t self-love, it’s self-destruction”.
All I hope is that people (with or without bags) realize the simple fact: Know what makes you happy, and if you find things that don’t, act to change it.
This is what I did, and that is what the show is about. Thank you Rena ( 宮崎玲奈 ) , for all your beautiful, thorough, and intricate work. I can’t believe it’s been less than a year since we met for the first time.

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