
Me and my gangs (with and without bags) have been organizing an online ostomy advocacy event called “Deco-pouch Collection” since 2021.
With generous support from 6 ostomy supply manufacturers, we’ve been sending participants expired ostomy bags to decorate for free and ask them to send us back the photos of their deco-pouch works. We’re hosting an online exhibition of Deco-pouches (decorated ostomy bags) at the link below.
Forget all these Japanese scribbles, just click the numbers on top and enjoy all these cool deco-pouches people created! The collection is not about the competition, it’s a celebration of all people interested in ostomy and/or art, who sometimes struggle with dexterity due to chemo, but did what they could do without pushing themselves too hard.
I’m looking forward to accepting deco-pouch works to show from abroad in the future. Anyone interested? DM me for details:)
We have a YouTube live-streaming show at 1pm on November 26th(JST) to give awards and talk about the stories behind each deco-pouch. We invite the most popular Japanese stoma nurse on YouTube, Yuta Eiji, and people from the manufacturers as well.
The event is growing slowly but surely. I’d be delighted if you shared this news with someone you know/ you care about who might be interested.
ストーマ」というグループで、私たちオストメイトが24時間おなかに貼り付けている袋(オストミーパウチ)をみんなでデコるオンライン展覧会 デコパウチコレクションが始まりました!

11/26(日)13:00にはYouTube/TikTokで大人気のWOCナースマン (皮膚・排泄ケア認定看護師) 永治 雄太 さんをお招きして、コレクションにご応募いただいたデコパウチを楽しむYouTube生配信を開催します。
今年も 宮崎玲奈 さんが台本を書いてくださり、フリーアナウンサーの Noriko Kanaoka さんが司会をしてくださるという鬼のクォリティ
メーカーさんからのゲストも多数お迎えしますよ!デコパウチアーティストでデコパウチコレクション事務局長の いしわたり さわこ サンと私もお喋りします。
